2-1-1 Connects Alabama
Get Connected. Get Help.

Paige never imagined being homeless. But when she lost her job, her car, and her home due to eviction, Paige and her 8-year-old daughter Jasmine were officially homeless and hopeless.
Fortunately, Paige’s sister allowed them to temporarily stay at her house. Paige would face a long road, with what seemed like endless issues to tackle. How was she going to get Jasmine to school? Paige’s sister lives at least three school zones away from the school. How could she find a job with no way to get there? There were so many questions and very little answers.
Thanks to her sister’s advice, Paige dialed 2-1-1, a United Way-funded program operated by Crisis Services of North Alabama, also a UWMC Partner Agency. Paige was connected with a 2-1-1 call specialist that provided information about a federal law called the McKinney Vento Act. This Act ensures that homeless children will be provided transportation to and from school. The 2-1-1 call specialist gave Paige the contact information for the school system’s Homeless Liaison, who not only helps with transportation, but also school supplies, clothing and other specific needs.
Jasmine, an energetic honor-roll student, didn’t have to worry about missing any more school and being away from friends. Solving this issue felt like a milestone for Paige.
The 2-1-1 call specialist also connected Paige with services that assisted with job hunting, resume writing, job training, applying for affordable housing, food stamps and transportation assistance. Having these resources helped Paige develop a plan of action to ensure security and financial stability for her and Jasmine.
When you invest in United Way of Morgan County, you help our neighbors like Paige and Jasmine overcome hardship and hurdles.
*Names and specific details have been changed for safety and privacy reasons.
For more information about 2-1-1, visit 211 Connects Alabama.